Friday 27 April 2018

Cinnamon And Lemon: A Sensational Remedy To Discover

Cinnamon and lemon combination is one the most common remedies used in the field of natural medicine. Both ingredients are easy to find and allow us to benefit from them in a simple and useful way.

Due to change of seasons, many people try to consume complex vitamins in order to increase their defense against disease. So, if you are one of them, try introducing this proposal day by day.

Both cinnamon and lemon very soon will become your favorite nutrient-dense combination that’ll favor your well being without causing any secondary side effects.

In today’s article we invite you to do this: discover the benefits of using cinnamon and lemon. These remedies will become indispensable in your life.

1. Reduce joint pain with cinnamon and lemon

If you suffer from joint pain, drinking lemon juice with cinnamon will help reduce both swelling and inflammation.
That’s because lemons are rich in vitamin C, nutrient that is essential for our body to produce collagen – the protein necessary for healthy joints and bones. Plus, lemons are rich in antioxidants, which help reduce joint inflammation effectively.

By combining lemon with cinnamon you will benefit at the same time from their detoxicating and diuretic properties. Both are strong anti-inflammatory foods and are widely used for treating these conditions.
If you suffer from arthritis, start using the following treatment and you will notice improvements very soon.


  • 1 Ceylon cinnamon stick
  • 5 tablespoons of lemon juice
  • 1 teaspoon of raw, organic honey
  • 1 cup of purified water


Heat the water until boiling, then add the cinnamon and honey. Allow the ingredients to infuse for 15 minutes, then let rest for 10 minutes. Strain the contents and serve in your favorite cup. Afterwards, add the 5 tablespoons of lemon juice. Drink every morning on an empty stomach.

2. Lose weight with cinnamon and lemon

You probably have heard that there are certain foods that speed up the metabolism, and this remedy with lemon and cinnamon is probably one of the best.

Cinnamon helps control insulin and glucose levels in our body. But, instead of storing them, our body will use them to create energy.

By consuming this remedy of lemon and cinnamon every day, you will be able to fight against that stubborn fat especially in the abdominal area.


  • 1 Ceylon cinnamon stick
  • 5 tablespoons of lemon juice
  • 1 teaspoon of raw, organic honey
  • 1 cup of purified water


Heat the water until boiling, then add the cinnamon and honey. Allow the ingredients to infuse for 15 minutes, then let rest for 10 minutes. Strain the contents and serve in your favorite cup. Afterwards, add the 5 tablespoons of lemon juice.

Take this remedy 20 minutes after your main meal of the day. That way, you’ll stimulate the metabolism and at the same time take care of your digestion.

3. Obtain a healthy, clean and acne free face

Lemon juice and cinnamon also act as powerful antibacterial agents. Both ingredients will help you reduce your most stubborn acne blemishes and will prevent small infections that result from blackheads.


  • 1 teaspoon of Ceylon cinnamon
  • 1 tablespoon of lemon juice
  • Small container
  • 1 cotton disc


Prepare this facial treatment by mixing all ingredients and use it every night, before going to bed. With your face completely clean, apply the cinnamon and lemon based remedy. Saturate the cotton disc with the mixture and apply to the most affected areas by acne.

Keep it on for 5 minutes and then wash with warm water. Do this every time you see a blemish appear or whenever you’d like to reduce those facial skin spots associated with acne.

4. Fight off colds and the flu

The following cinnamon and lemon based remedy will lessen the side effects form colds and the flu and will provide a much sooner recovery.

Thanks to the antibacterial properties of cinnamon and the vitamin C from the lemon, you will develop a much stronger immune system. Plus, you will avoid fever episodes and the excessive mucus build up.


  • 1 Ceylon cinnamon stick
  • 1 cup of orange juice
  • 5 tablespoons of lemon juice
  • 1 teaspoon of raw, organic honey


You should start by getting freshly pressed orange juice. Once obtained, you should heat it up for 5 minutes together with the cinnamon stick and honey. After the time has passed, remove the cinnamon stick and add the 5 tablespoons of lemon juice.

Take this remedy in the mornings during breakfast and you will see how good you feel afterward.

Ginger Tea Recipe: To Dissolve Kidney Stones, Cleanse Liver And Kill Cancer Cells!

One of the most health-beneficial plants on earth – ginger, is abundant in medicinal properties, among which it reduces inflammation, stimulates digestion and boosts immunity.

Ginger owes its flavor and aroma to several different essential oils including gingerol, shogaol, and zingerone. These compounds have really powerful anti-parasitic, anti-fungal, anti-viral, and anti-bacterial effects, which can ease pain, improve cardiovascular health, relieve asthma, strengthen immunity, and stimulate digestion among others.

Ginger tea benefits

-Using ginger to cure kidney stones

Drinking ginger tea or ginger ale prevents kidney stones by keeping you hydrated. The more fluid your kidneys have access to, the more they can expel toxins through urine. In short, proper urine volume helps clear the kidneys of stone-causing minerals.

Ginger also contains citrate, which helps prevent the formation of stones. Add a dash of freshly squeezed lemon or orange juice to your ginger tea to take advantage of these benefits.

-How ginger can protect your liver

Ginger has been proven to have hepatoprotective qualities. By helping your kidneys do their job, this mighty root prevents toxins from building up in your liver. It’s even effective in preventing liver cancer thanks to its anti-inflammatory compounds.

-Ginger may have anti-cancer properties

The potency of ginger has been shown to combat cancer, even better than the leading chemotherapeutic drugs. It acts by inducing apoptosis (cell death) in cancerous cells while leaving healthy cells alone (in comparison to chemotherapy, which kills cancerous cells and healthy cells).

A compound found in ginger, 6-gingerol, has gained increased interest from the scientific community as a possible anti-cancer agent. It also has been shown to suppress the proliferation and invasion of cancer cells by preventing angiogenesis in tumors.

-Ginger to fight colds

Ginger fight infections caused by viruses and bacteria. It works particularly well against the viruses that cause influenza, colds, and cold sores. It also boosts your immune system to help your body win the fight.

Ginger also treats symptoms associated to colds and the flu, such as sore muscles, headaches, stomach aches, nausea, and diarrhea.

Other ginger benefits

Ginger can be taken in a dry, powdered form or eaten directly from the root. It’s full of vitamin C, magnesium, copper and manganese.

Ginger is known to:

  • Kill parasites
  • Heal osteoarthritis
  • Ease menstrual pain
  • Reduce risk of stroke
  • Prevent morning sickness
  • Manage side effects of chemotherapy
  • Reduce joint and muscle pain
  • Prevent stroke
  • Fight asthma

Ginger tea preparation


  • 1/2 teaspoon of ground ginger
  • 1/2 teaspoon of ground turmeric
  • 1 tablespoon of coconut milk
  • 1 cup of water
  • 1/2 teaspoon of lemon juice
  • Organic honey (to taste)


  • In a small saucepan, heat water to a boil.
  • Add turmeric and ginger and let it simmer on medium heat for 7-10 minutes.
  • Lower heat and add milk, stirring occasionally.
  • Remove from heat just before it boils and add lemon juice.
  • Strain tea into a cup and add honey.
  • Enjoy once cool.

This tea is really quite delicious, but don’t drink it as dessert! Ginger is a stimulant, so it may make it harder for you to fall asleep. It can help with mental clarity, so drink it in the morning instead!

The Spice That Fights Cavities & Bad Breath

Have you ever heard about cardamom? Often referred to as the “Queen of Spices,” cardamom is one of the most popular spices in India, which is packed with phytonutrients and is especially high in manganese.

Manganese is a trace mineral that helps the body form connective tissue, bones and sex hormones. It is also crucial for normal nerve and brain function and plays a role in carbohydrate metabolism, fat metabolism, calcium absorption and blood sugar regulation.

This spice is widely used as a digestive aid, natural breath freshener, lower blood pressure, and more.

Cardamom benefits

Cardamom is an ideal spice with many health benefits. The most popular health benefits are listed below.

1. Relieves bad breath

Cardamom benefits include the ability to relieve halitosis or bad breath. Simply chewing on the seeds can help to eliminate any bad odors coming from your mouth. Some chewing gums even include it as an ingredient for this very reason.

In a study conducted by the Department of Microbiology at Kurukshetra University in India, researchers discovered that cardamom extract has antimicrobial effects on oral bacteria. Chewing on cardamom seeds can help kill harmful bacteria in the mouth and eliminate bad breath.

2. Fights cavities

Not only can cardamom kill the bacteria that cause bad breath, but it might also help prevent cavity development on your teeth or even reserve cavities and tooth decay. The chewing of cardamom encourages saliva, which helps to cleanse the mouth and clean the teeth.

3. Lowers blood pressure

Cardamom benefits include the ability to naturally lower blood pressure. Studies have shown that cardamom was able to decrease systolic and diastolic blood pressure in individuals who were newly diagnosed with primary stage 1 hypertension. Cardamom also increased the participants total antioxidant status by 90 percent after three months.

4. Treats cancer

Research has shown that cardamom benefits may include the ability to naturally treat cancer. In a 2012 animal study published in the Journal of Medicinal Food, researchers found that oral administration of cardamom was able to significantly reduce the occurrence and number of tumors.

Thanks to its ability to inhibit, delay and reverse cancer formation, cardamom benefits include anti-cancer properties. Studies have also shown that cardamom can help prevent cancer by encouraging healthy immune responses in the body.

5. Helps manage diabetes

The high manganese content in this spice makes it an excellent choice for diabetics and anyone struggling with blood sugar issues. Studies have shown that people who have been diagnosed with diabetes have low blood levels of the trace mineral manganese.

Another study has shown that people with diabetes who have higher blood levels of manganese are more protected from LDL (bad) cholesterol, compared to those with lower levels of manganese.

6. Improves digestion

Cardamom has been traditionally used in Ayurveda and Chinese medicine as a remedy for digestive issues. Cardamom benefits include the ability to relieve gastrointestinal disorders like flatulence and stomach cramps. It can also help prevent stomach ulcers caused by aspirin or other NSAID drugs.

7. Treats asthma

Cardamom can also provide relief for people struggling with breathing issues like asthma. One study showed that cardamom exhibits bronchodilatory effects. It helps to decrease resistance in the airway and increase airflow to the lungs, to ease breathing.

Cardamom vs. Coriander

Cardamom and coriander offer some similar health benefits. Cardamom comes from the seed of plants in the ginger family, while coriander comes from the seed of the cilantro plant. Both spices can lower high blood pressure, relieve digestive issues and help manage diabetes. They also offer different types of benefits. Cardamom can be used to fight bad breath, cavities, and asthma, while coriander serves as a natural remedy for UTI’s and high cholesterol levels.

This Is What Will Happen If You Drink Coconut Water Every Day

Coconut water has always been used as a refreshing drink and a health enhancer in most tropical countries with long coastlines where coconut palms grow in abundance

However, it’s only recently that this humble natural beverage has started receiving the attention it clearly deserves in Western countries. If you are not familiar with this drink, coconut water is the nearly colorless liquid contained within a coconut.

In its natural form, coconut water is a light, mildly sweet drink with a very slight nutty taste and astringent feel. It cannot compete with sodas or sports drinks in sweetness, but this pure drink is surprisingly satisfying. Coconut water from fresh, tender coconuts is the best, but it is now available bottled, with or without added sugar and flavors.

The best, of course, is the 100 percent natural, with no added sugar or other preservatives or coloring. Here are some of the reasons why you will want to learn more about this amazing tropical gift from nature…

1. It will strengthen your immune system

Daily consumption of coconut water has the ability to strengthen your immune system. It also has the ability to remove bacteria from the body that causes gum disease and urinary tract infections. Coconut water combats viruses that cause you to catch a cold, typhus or infectious diseases. Even during the cold season, you find your health is exceptional.

2. It will make you feel more energetic

Coconut water enhances the thyroid gland hormones, which gives you an energy boost at a cellular level. After a week of consuming coconut water consistently, you may just see a spring in your step that wasn’t there before.

3. It will help your kidneys work better

Most diets are high in sodium and low in potassium. Sodium puts a lot of stress on the kidneys because it promotes fluid retention. When sodium is high, kidneys have to work harder to eliminate excess water. On the other hand, potassium acts as a diuretic, helping the kidneys flush out water.

A single cup of coconut water can provide enough potassium to keep the kidneys in good health. Its diuretic effect is beneficial in preventing kidney stones and is really beneficial for those who have kidney disease. It cleanses the urinary tract, as well as bladder channels too, so after a week, you may find yourself feeling a lot more healthy and energetic.

4. You’ll notice improvements in your digestive system

Coconut water is excellent for the digestive system as it gives us a lot of our daily requirements for fiber. It’s not always easy to obtain the amount of fiber per day that your body requires. When you consistently drink coconut water, you’ll find yourself becoming more regular. When gastric acid is eliminated regularly, you’ll have a lot more energy because the body is able to run at an optimum level.

5. It promotes weight loss

When you consistently drink coconut, you may find yourself shedding some pounds. It’s more of an indirect result, as you’re able to drink coconut water in large amounts because it’s low in fat, which curbs your appetite. When you drink a lot of coconut water, your appetite will be reduced and you’ll possibly eat less. Also, the amount of energy you gain may just have you doing more exercise.

6. It relieves certain types of headaches

Coconut water may be the answer if your headaches have something to do with hypertension or dehydration. If you’re suffering from headaches due to dehydration, it’s because you’ve lost essential fluids. This may have happened due to physical activities when you lost too much fluid or perhaps you have a hangover.

Coconut water is a headache-solver, in most cases, due to it being a natural elixir packed with electrolyte-balancing nutrients. Through drinking coconut water you’ll regain the fluids that you’ve lost, putting you back on the mend quickly.

7. It will make your skin more radiant

One cup of coconut water will ensure that your skin is radiant thanks to the incredible effects of hydration. Skin is the largest organ in the body and if you’re not hydrated, your skin suffers greatly. If you consistently drink coconut water daily, your skin will see noticeable improvements. Positive effects are seen throughout the body but the skin may take some time to shine.

8. It will make you feel younger

If you’re tired of eating carrots in the hopes of saving your eyesight, coconut water may just be your answer. Coconut water has the ability to reverse visions problems such as glaucoma and cataracts. Through drinking coconut water, you’ll have boosts of energy, your risk of heart attacks and strokes will be reduced, and the aging process will be slowed down at a cellular level.

Thursday 26 April 2018

Drink For Bedtime That Reduces Your Stomach Like Crazy… Guaranteed Results!

The liver is one of the most important organs in the body. It is responsible for filtering toxins out of the system through urine as well as cleaning the blood of harmful substances.

Due to its importance, it’s vital to keep this important organ healthy and functioning properly. If toxins accumulate in the body, the liver will get overworked, which will result in bigger health problems.

The main reason for toxic buildup in the body is usually a poor diet or certain lifestyle changes. This is why experts recommend detoxifying the body several times a year, and you can do that with the pure detox juice we have for you today.

This juice will give your body all the nutrients it requires, while also accelerating your metabolism and reinforcing the immune system.

The drink will also boost your metabolism and effectively help you lose weight, while also preventing many diseases including cardiovascular diseases and type 2 diabetes. Numerous studies confirm the connection between belly fat and type 2 diabetes and according to a study published in the journal Hearth, excess belly fat even may be the cause of sudden heart failure.

Here’s how to prepare it:


  • 1/2 lemon
  • 1 cucumber
  • 1 teaspoon grated ginger
  • A bunch of parsley
  • 1/2 cup water


Just mix all the ingredients in a blender until you get a homogenous mixture, then drink the mixture in the morning on an empty stomach and right before going to bed. Repeat the process every day and you will be able to notice the improvements in a few weeks!

Each of the ingredients of this drink has very important benefits for your body. Here are some of them:

1. Lemon

It is often used as the main ingredient in many natural remedies. The lemons effectively detoxify the body and eliminate waste. It is abundant in Vitamin C and antioxidants, which are essential for the immune system.

Moreover, these citrus fruits improve the digestion process, prevent inflammation and constipation and also helps in the process of eliminating the excess fluids. Due to the high fiber content (pectin), it reduces the absorption of fat.

2. Ginger

This root is very beneficial when it comes to the digestive health, it also has potent anti-inflammatory effects and has a positive impact on the nervous system.

The active substance of ginger is gingerol, which can stimulate gastric juices and facilitates the absorption of nutrients from food. Moreover, it speeds up the metabolism to burn the fat faster and helps the body to remove the excess fluids.

3. Cucumber

This highly diuretic vegetable effectively eliminate the accumulated fluid in the body. Furthermore, it is very low in calories and abundant in beneficial nutrients. It contains vitamins, such as vitamin A, B, C, E, and minerals including magnesium, calcium, potassium, iron, and phosphorus.

4. Parsley

Since it contains apiol it has strong anti-neuralgic properties. It is abundant in vitamin C and therefore is also used in treatments or dietary regimens that can be followed to prevent the onset of cancer, cataracts, and heart problems.

5 Hormones You Need To Reset To Lose Fat Faster

Are you careful about what you eat but still can’t seem to lose the extra weight? Is your battle with the bulge a never-ending story? If you’re like so many others who seem to be reasonably active and not especially bad about what they eat, a hormonal imbalance may be to blame.

Thankfully, the fixes, while requiring expertise and proper diagnosis, are not as hard to implement as you might imagine. Here are the 6 hormones you need to reset to lose fat faster.

1. Lower insulin resistance to use up glucose

Insulin is a hormone you’ve probably heard about a lot in the news, thanks to its central role in new-age problems like metabolic syndrome. Insulin regulates how your body uses glucose from food for energy or fat storage.

When you are insulin-resistant, your body doesn’t respond to insulin normally. So glucose stars collecting in your blood. To compensate for this, your body produces more and more insulin. This eventually results in diabetes or prediabetes. The body is then unable to process glucose properly. Weight gain is a common fallout. Other problems like polycystic ovarian syndrome are also linked to insulin resistance.

How to lower insulin resistance:

  • Get on a strict low-carb diet to keep the blood glucose levels from rising.
  • Include avocados, pomegranates, berries, lean proteins, peppers, and high-fiber grains to make your body more sensitive to insulin.
  • Build some regular exercise into your routine to help correct the underlying hormonal issues that are worsening the weight gain. Walking for just 30 mins daily can cut diabetes risk by 30 percent.

2. Lower cortisol levels to stop stress eating

Cortisol is a stress hormone that’s meant to regulate your reaction to stressful situations. Unfortunately, if you expose yourself to too much stress because you’re not getting enough sleep, have a stressful work or personal life, or are simply not eating right, you could end up with a surge of cortisol in your body that then lingers constantly.

When you’re stressed, you’re likely to crave fatty sugary foods to ease that stress – and that’s a recipe for weight gain disaster. In addition, if you’re sleep deprived, higher cortisol levels can link to insulin resistance, which puts you at further risk of obesity.

How to lower cortisol levels:

  • Sleep for at least 7 hours at a stretch every night. Eat foods with tryptophan and melatonin – cottage cheese, turkey, kiwifruit, and cherries – for better sleep. Stay away from caffeine and electronic devices for at least 2 hours before sleep.
  • Exercise every day to make your body adjust to higher levels of cortisol and release endorphins, the mood-lifting hormones, to counter the cortisol.
  • Take up some stress-relieving activities like yoga or meditation.

3. Balance estrogen levels to not store fat

Estrogen, while more well-known as a female sex hormone, has an important role to play in regulating your body weight too. In the right amounts, it regulates insulin levels in your body. This ensures your body keeps its blood glucose levels steady, supplying it as energy to muscles to be burned as a fuel. However, an imbalance of estrogen is risky.

You can have too much estrogen due to a high intake from dietary sources like meats. Or you can have too little estrogen due to polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) or obesity. This, in turn, could put you at risk of insulin resistance, with less glucose going to your muscles and more remaining in the bloodstream. Your body then starts storing the excess glucose as fat.

How to balance your estrogen levels:

  • If you have too little estrogen, eat more fruits, fresh vegetables (except cruciferous ones), whole grains, and fish. Cut down on caffeine.
  • If you have too much estrogen, eat cruciferous vegetables like broccoli and cabbage.

4. Get enough testosterone to burn fats better

The male sex hormone is an important piece of the metabolism puzzle in both men and women. Not having enough of it in your body could cause you to have higher fat mass and lower muscle mass, which in turn dampens your metabolic rate or ability to burn fat and carbs. In addition, a testosterone deficiency is also linked to higher cholesterol levels, increased triglycerides, and even reduced insulin sensitivity. All of these are implicated in weight gain and fat buildup.

How to increase testosterone levels:

  • Cut down on foods with phytoestrogens (plant estrogens) like soy that lower testosterone.
  • Cut down on bread, alcohol, and sugary drinks which lower testosterone.
  • Avoid drinking water from bisphenol A (BPA)-laden plastic bottles.

5. Make the thyroid active to improve metabolism

Thyroid hormones T3 and T4 also have a part to play in body weight regulation. These hormones determine the rate of metabolism for all the cells in your body. Hypothyroidism or an underactive thyroid can cause your metabolism to become sluggish and bring on weight gain.

You may also experience tiredness and constant fatigue that make exercise and activity a challenge. Digestion too can take a hit, making the balance of thyroid hormones vital to weight loss. While it cannot be cured fully, hypothyroidism can be managed with these steps.

How to treat hypothyroidism:
  • Cut down on soy, caffeine, and refined carbohydrates. Eat more proteins but not gluten. Cook goitrogenic vegetables like broccoli, spinach, kale, or cauliflower.
  • Get enough sunlight.
  • Practice stress alleviating techniques since thyroid problems have a close association with stress.

Smoothie For Stronger Knee Ligaments And Ache-free Joints

If you have joint pains and other symptoms of arthritis, you may want to try this smoothie. It is not only great-tasting but also uses effective ingredients that can help you feel so much better.

Joints are the tissues that connect bones and help support movements throughout the body. They allow us to stand, walk and jump. If you have strong and healthy knees, you can control your posture much easier.

As we grow older though, our knees suffer injuries, wounds, and hits. Over time, they become loose and damaged because the ligaments and tendons eventually become weaker and less flexible. Plus, the lubrication, which was enough when we were younger tend to be lost.

It is important that we provide great care for our knees, so they remain strong and can still support the body despite our age. Thankfully, you don’t have to take a trip to the pharmacy or visit a doctor to help you with your knees and joints.

The following smoothie recipe when consumed every day can give you stronger and rejuvenated knee ligaments and even gets rid of arthritis symptoms:


  • 2 cups of pineapple in chunks
  • 1 teaspoon of Ceylon cinnamon
  • One cup of oats
  • 40 grams of raw honey
  • 40 grams of almonds
  • One cup of natural orange juice
  • One cup of water


1. Cook the instant oatmeal just like you normally would. Add hot water and let it cool for a bit.

2. Get the pineapple chunks next and squeeze them to get the juice.

3. You can start blending the raw honey, water, cinnamon, and almonds with the orange juice. To make it easier for you, you can crush the almonds first before you place it in the blender or you can buy crushed almonds in the store.

4. After blending the mentioned ingredients, add the pineapple juice along with the oatmeal in the blender while it is still processing.

5. When the desired texture is achieved, you can add ice cubes if you want. Make sure to blend the mixture once again. Consume immediately!

The main reason why this smoothie is effective is because of bromelain, which is found in pineapples. Consuming bromelain might help reduce knee pain in patients with osteoarthritis. According to one study, bromelain was as effective as ibuprofen for treating osteoarthritis pain. Bromelain may also help treat tendinitis, an inflammation of your tendons that causes joint discomfort and pain.

Pineapple also nourishes your joints because of its vitamin C, or ascorbic acid, content. You need to produce collagen (a strong, fibrous protein) to make healthy tissue. Your bones, cartilage, tendons, and ligaments all contain collagen in abundance. vitamin C helps you make the collagen you need to keep your joints strong, while vitamin C deficiency causes joint pain.