Friday, 27 April 2018

Cinnamon And Lemon: A Sensational Remedy To Discover

Cinnamon and lemon combination is one the most common remedies used in the field of natural medicine. Both ingredients are easy to find and allow us to benefit from them in a simple and useful way.

Due to change of seasons, many people try to consume complex vitamins in order to increase their defense against disease. So, if you are one of them, try introducing this proposal day by day.

Both cinnamon and lemon very soon will become your favorite nutrient-dense combination that’ll favor your well being without causing any secondary side effects.

In today’s article we invite you to do this: discover the benefits of using cinnamon and lemon. These remedies will become indispensable in your life.

1. Reduce joint pain with cinnamon and lemon

If you suffer from joint pain, drinking lemon juice with cinnamon will help reduce both swelling and inflammation.
That’s because lemons are rich in vitamin C, nutrient that is essential for our body to produce collagen – the protein necessary for healthy joints and bones. Plus, lemons are rich in antioxidants, which help reduce joint inflammation effectively.

By combining lemon with cinnamon you will benefit at the same time from their detoxicating and diuretic properties. Both are strong anti-inflammatory foods and are widely used for treating these conditions.
If you suffer from arthritis, start using the following treatment and you will notice improvements very soon.


  • 1 Ceylon cinnamon stick
  • 5 tablespoons of lemon juice
  • 1 teaspoon of raw, organic honey
  • 1 cup of purified water


Heat the water until boiling, then add the cinnamon and honey. Allow the ingredients to infuse for 15 minutes, then let rest for 10 minutes. Strain the contents and serve in your favorite cup. Afterwards, add the 5 tablespoons of lemon juice. Drink every morning on an empty stomach.

2. Lose weight with cinnamon and lemon

You probably have heard that there are certain foods that speed up the metabolism, and this remedy with lemon and cinnamon is probably one of the best.

Cinnamon helps control insulin and glucose levels in our body. But, instead of storing them, our body will use them to create energy.

By consuming this remedy of lemon and cinnamon every day, you will be able to fight against that stubborn fat especially in the abdominal area.


  • 1 Ceylon cinnamon stick
  • 5 tablespoons of lemon juice
  • 1 teaspoon of raw, organic honey
  • 1 cup of purified water


Heat the water until boiling, then add the cinnamon and honey. Allow the ingredients to infuse for 15 minutes, then let rest for 10 minutes. Strain the contents and serve in your favorite cup. Afterwards, add the 5 tablespoons of lemon juice.

Take this remedy 20 minutes after your main meal of the day. That way, you’ll stimulate the metabolism and at the same time take care of your digestion.

3. Obtain a healthy, clean and acne free face

Lemon juice and cinnamon also act as powerful antibacterial agents. Both ingredients will help you reduce your most stubborn acne blemishes and will prevent small infections that result from blackheads.


  • 1 teaspoon of Ceylon cinnamon
  • 1 tablespoon of lemon juice
  • Small container
  • 1 cotton disc


Prepare this facial treatment by mixing all ingredients and use it every night, before going to bed. With your face completely clean, apply the cinnamon and lemon based remedy. Saturate the cotton disc with the mixture and apply to the most affected areas by acne.

Keep it on for 5 minutes and then wash with warm water. Do this every time you see a blemish appear or whenever you’d like to reduce those facial skin spots associated with acne.

4. Fight off colds and the flu

The following cinnamon and lemon based remedy will lessen the side effects form colds and the flu and will provide a much sooner recovery.

Thanks to the antibacterial properties of cinnamon and the vitamin C from the lemon, you will develop a much stronger immune system. Plus, you will avoid fever episodes and the excessive mucus build up.


  • 1 Ceylon cinnamon stick
  • 1 cup of orange juice
  • 5 tablespoons of lemon juice
  • 1 teaspoon of raw, organic honey


You should start by getting freshly pressed orange juice. Once obtained, you should heat it up for 5 minutes together with the cinnamon stick and honey. After the time has passed, remove the cinnamon stick and add the 5 tablespoons of lemon juice.

Take this remedy in the mornings during breakfast and you will see how good you feel afterward.