Saturday 16 September 2017

Foods To Avoid And Eat On An Empty Belly

Everyone knows that eating breakfast is very important, and you need to pay attention to what you eat in the morning, because there are some foods that are not recommended to be consumed for breakfast.

Food that should not be consumed for breakfast.

1. Carbonated drinks

Carbonated drinks are not very healthy and they can decelerate digestion and lower the blood flow and they can also do harm to the mucous membranes.

2. Citrus fruits

Eating citrus fruit for breakfast can lead to stomach and esophagus irritation.

3. Sugar juices

Sugar juices contain a lot of sugar and can cause high blood sugar, and can make you crave for more food and feel hungry.

4. Tomatoes

Tomatoes are high with tannic acid and it can cause high body acidity, and it also leads to ulcers and acid refluxes.

5. Shortcrust pastry

Shortcrust pastry is rich with yeast and it can upset the stomach and lead to flatulence.

Foods which are perfect to be consumed for breakfast.

1. Wheat germ

Wheat germ is very healthy food because it provides the body with 15% of the daily dose of vitamin E and 10% of the daily folic acid, and only from a few tablespoons of it, and it also improves the digestion.

2. Whole grains (no yeast)

Whole grains can be incorporated in many foods like grain toasts, waffles and pancakes and they contain complex carbs.

3. Eggs

Eggs are very beneficial to be eaten for breakfast as they give a feeling of satiety.

4. Blueberries

Blueberries are very healthy food and they do not contain a lot of calories. They are also abundant in nutrients, and they improve the metabolism, regulate blood pressure and improve the memory. Blueberries can be combined with many foods like you can add them to waffles, salads; pancakes or you can make a blueberry smoothie.

5. Buckwheat

Buckwheat can boost the digestion because it is very rich in vitamins, iron and proteins. It can be put in bars, smoothies, waffles and pancakes.

6. Cornmeal porridge

It is very beneficial to consume cornmeal porridge for breakfast because it can maintain the balance of the microflora in the intestines, releases the toxins from the body and gives you a feeling of satiety.

7. Papaya

Papaya has the ability to improve digestion because it is abundant in fiber, vitamins E and C. It also has papain, which is an enzyme that can lower the risk of colon cancer and also can help with digestion.

8. Nuts

Nuts are abundant with proteins and healthy fats and because of them they can maintain normal pH levels in the stomach, and also lower the acids and help with fight against ulcers

9. Oatmeal

Oatmeal is very rich in fiber, vitamins and nutrients and because of its content it can improve the metabolism and maintain normal levels of cholesterol. It can also protect the coating in the belly lining and also prevent any harm of hydrochloric acid.