Wednesday, 4 October 2017
Drink This Mixture Every Morning And The Fat Deposits Around Your Belly Area Will Disappear
Belly fat can be quite stubborn and pretty difficult to eliminate, those who’ve tried it know very well. But what most of us don’t know is that excess belly around your waist can be a result of the so called Lazy Bowel Syndrome which can slow down the fat burning process and disrupt the usual body detox process.
This is why our efforts at eliminating that stubborn belly fat have been in vain, we didn’t know the right cause and therefore we didn’t know the right approach.
Now that you know what’s causing it we’ll offer you the best solution for your problem. The following recipe will effectively stimulate the fat burning process and put you on the fast track to success. This homemade drink should be consumed in the morning instead of breakfast. It’s very easy to make and more importantly it guarantees excellent results.
Here’s how you can prepare it:
Every night before you go to bed put 6 prunes in a glass boiled water (100ml), put a lid over it and leave them to soak for 10 minutes. In the meantime mix 2tbsp. of oats, 1tsp. of grinded flaxseed and 1tsp. of cocoa in another bowl. Then add 300ml of kefir into the mixture and mix everything well. After the prunes have soaked for 10 minutes take them out and chop them into small pieces. Then add them to the previous mixture. Mix everything together and store it in the fridge until the morning. Drink it on an empty stomach the next day.
In just a month you can lose 3-5 kg of belly fat and you won’t believe your eyes. Aside from the amazing weight loss your tan will improve and your hair and nails will become much stronger. You’ll feel energized and fresh like never before. Try this amazing recipe and see for yourself!