Monday 2 October 2017

Here Is A Natural Way To Get Rid Of Knee Pain And Water In Your Knee!

Nowadays, people complain of knee pain too often. Numerous factors can cause knee pain. In case you didn’t know, our joints are composed of small amounts of fluids which are necessary for proper functioning. Normal fluid in and around the knee is usually not noticeable, but you’ve probably heard the term “ water in your knee ”. It’s very common.

Excessive amount of liquid in the knee is problematic, because it disturbs the normal functions of the knee and causes many painful symptoms.

Swelling in the knee can be caused by an injury of the ligaments, meniscus, or the tendons.

Numerous other factors are important such as overuse of the knees or suffering from arthritis. The swelling may either affect the knee joint or the surrounding tissue and the latter condition is known as “water in your knee”.

In this article, we’re going to present you a natural remedy that can help you in case of water in your knee.  As soon as you’re diagnosed with a swollen knee, turn to natural remedies, but, if the pain and swelling don’t go away, visit your doctor.

Here are also some other effective tricks that can help you in case you have water in your knee!

  1. Applying an ice pack on every 10 minutes is very effective at reducing knee swelling.
  2. Leg elevation is also very helpful! Elevate the affected leg to let the accumulated fluid to distribute naturally over the knee cavity. When you are lying on your bed, place two pillows under the affected leg.
  3. It is recommended to quit smoking as this habit reduces the flow of blood and oxygen in the body, which in turn reduces tissue`s ability to repair itself.

Here’s our amazing homemade recipe!


  • fresh egg yolk
  • 1 tablespoon of salt

Mix the egg yolk with the salt and apply this mixture onto your affected knee. Cover it with a nylon or cellophane and secure with a bandage.

Change fresh coating on every two hours! On a daily basis you will need 5 coverings. You’ll notice that the water in your knee will soon start to disappear!

NOTE: Consult your doctor immediately if your situation doesn’t improve!