Monday 9 October 2017

The Whole World Has Gone Crazy For The Swedish Diet: Wherein Lies The Secret?

This diet regime involves decreased intake of carbohydrates and focuses on fats and proteins. Another bonus of this diet is the fact that you can forget about the amount of calories and the specific hours in which you are allowed to consume them, however, you must stick to the rules.

“It might sound too good to be true, but the combination of essential vitamins and amino acids provided by the diet enhances the metabolism while suppressing the appetite. The Swedish Diet lets you eat as much as you want while the pounds melt off.”(

Moreover, this type of diet will also promote your overall health, improve digestion and boost metabolism. In addition, as Dr. Malcolm Kendrick informs in his website article, “Sweden gets it right,” the Swedish “found that low carb/high fat diets raise HDL cholesterol (the so-called ‘good’ cholesterol). They have no effect on LDL levels; they also lower blood sugar levels and triglyceride (VLDL) levels. All good and healthy, and all of which basically means that insulin resistance has been reduced – the underlying cause of diabetes.” Therefore, you needn’t worry about the high fat content of this diet because scientific research shows that fat is good and carbohydrate and sugar are bad for you.

Here are the basics of the Swedish Diet!

The Swedish diet divides food in 3 basic groups:

Foods allowed to be consumed

  • All types of meat
  • All types of fish and shrimps
  • Eggs cooked in all ways
  • Vegetables that grow above ground (cabbage, kale, broccoli, zucchini, tomatoes, spinach, lettuce, peppers)
  • Mushrooms, avocadoes, olives
  • Dairy products, especially those with a high percentage of fat (yoghurt, butter, sour cream, cream, cheese)
  • Nuts (sunflower seeds, walnuts, pumpkin seeds, almonds, hazelnuts, cashews, Brazil nuts)

Foods allowed to be consumed occasionally

  • Vegetables such as beetroot, carrot, turnip and celery;
  • Fruits: One fruit a day instead of a dessert is enough and raspberries are especially recommended;
  • Dark chocolate with a high cocoa content, twice a week (above 70% of cocoa)

Foods that are not allowed to be consumed

  • Sugar, store-bought juices, soda drinks, pasta, cookies, cakes, ice-cream, Muesli and artificial sweeteners
  • Grains and starch (bread, rice, pasta, potatoes, chips, pastes)
  • Margarine and refined oils
  • Alcohol, especially beer

The Swedish Diet also recommends drinking plenty of green tea, which has already been proven to aid in weight loss.