Thursday, 12 October 2017

These Foods Will Make Your ‘Tool’ Hard As A Rock!

Since ancient times people are trying to improve libido and increase sexual pleasure. People in ancient Greece even invented a unique name – aphrodisiacs. They were convinced that such products are foods and herbs which have the power to increase potency.

Probable each man as a minimum once in his existence could be fascinated about this question. it’s far a well – recognized fact that a famous lover Giacomo Casanova used special way to have a terrific efficiency in the course of his lifetime. His end changed into that right nutrients is green in keeping excessive degree of libido.

Our advice is to follow the advice of the great lover and turn your attention to useful products for potency.

After various studies, scientists have found that a menu of a sexual active man should include foods containing vitamins E, A and B. Those vitamins also are known as “vitamins of reproduction”. It is important to mention that food for potency should include trace elements needed by the body: proteins, calcium, phosphorus, cholesterol, and potassium. All these substances are found in any of nuts, seeds, beans.

Which Foods are good for Potency?

Nuts: pistachios, peanuts, sesame seeds, walnuts, etc.;

Dairy products: cottage cheese, yogurt, cheese, sour cream. Add to your daily diet sour cream, and you will scarcely face male’s impotence.

Spices and herbs: St. John’s wort, anise, purslane, cumin, mint, turnips. Boiled turnips with meat were a favorite dish of Russian warriors and not only of them. No wonder why there were so many children in Russia in ancient times.

Vegetables: especially garlic and all kinds of onions. If you mix the onion with eggs, such food quickly restores drooping potency;

Fruits: lemons, oranges, pomegranates, bananas, figs;

Sweet herbal merchandise. Honey, mixed with chopped nuts has a potent force for the libido.

Seafood: mussels, shrimp, oysters. infamous Casanova ate a huge quantity of oysters for breakfast every morning. This allowed him to have a solid potency even in antique age.

Meat and fish: beef and flounder – are products that have a miraculous effect not only on the potency, but also on the whole body.

We can conclude that the problem of ED can be prevented. All you should do is to change your eating habits and add more healthy foods to your diet.