Monday 9 October 2017

This “HEALTHY” Drink Destroys Your Thyroid And Is Linked To Breast Cancer!

There are many people who chose to use soy milk as a replacement to milk in order to improve the health. People who do not consume dairy, or have lactose intolerance, enjoy this milk because it doesn’t have lactose.

The soy milk is rich in vitamins B, iron, protein and calcium, and it is very low in cholesterol and saturated fats.

But, on the other hand, many experts say that using soy milk can actually cause serious damage to your health. The effects of soy milk have been discussed for a long time, and there is also high amount of proof that soy milk can be very harmful to our health.

Here are the ingredients of soy milk:

  • Soymilk (Filtered water, whole soybeans)
  • Riboflavin
  • Vitamin D2
  • Calcium Carbonate
  • Sea Salt
  • Cane Sugar
  • Vitamin B12
  • Carrageenan
  • Natural Flavor
  • Vitamin A palmitate

Most of these ingredients are commonly used for many things, but carrageenan is maybe unknown to you. It is extracted from red edible seaweeds, and it belongs to the family of linear sulfated polysaccharides.

These ingredients have thickening, gelling and stabilizing properties, and that is why they are commonly used in the food industry.

The carrageenan doesn’t have any nutritional value, and it is also dangerous for the health. It can damage the immune system, even though it comes from a natural source.

It can cause inflammation, due to a negative reaction of the immune system. There are many studies that confirm the connection between carrageenan and higher risk of colon cancer, and also with gastrointestinal inflammation which can cause inflammatory bowel disease, spastic colon, IBS and chronic diarrhea.

So it is of high significance to know all the information before choosing to consume any dietary product.

These are 10 reasons why you shouldn’t consume soy milk:

  1. Soy milk is GMO in 99%, which says that the levels of pesticide contamination are the highest.
  2. All soy products contain aluminum, which is very toxic for the body, and it can have a side-effect on the nervous system and the kidney. Also, aluminum can lead to Alzheimer’s.
  3. Soy also contains toxic isoflavones -- daidzein and genistein, and they have the ability to promote the growth of breast cancer.
  4. Also the soybeans can have big influence on the estrogen levels due to their content of natural toxins. The hormones can be disrupted with just two glasses of soy milk, and it can cause changes in the menstrual cycle.
  5. Soy products can also impede the production of thyroid hormone, due to their rich content in goitrogens.
  6. Say contains phytoestrogens, which are plant estrogens, and they can interrupt the proper functioning of endocrine system and also be the reason for breast cancer and infertility in women.
  7. The fragile soy proteins are put to high temperature in the production process of textured vegetable protein and soy protein isolate, and this makes these proteins to be dangerous for the human health.
  8. Soy also has haemagglutinin, which can make the red blood cells gather together and make a clump.
  9. In the process of spray-drying, nitrates are created –and they are carcinogens substances.
  10. Also, all soy products contain phytic acid, which impedes the absorption of copper, zinc, calcium, magnesium and iron.