Wednesday, 18 October 2017

What Are Bunions and How to Treat Them

Are you one of the many people who have bunions? Have you ever wondered why and how this painful condition develops?

Well, here are few facts about bunions as well as the typical treatments for this condition you should know.


  • Bunions are bony mounds that form with the transmutation of the big toes.This happens when the big toe pushes the toe next to it, which extends the joint making it bigger.
  • Bunions commonly impact the inside of the big toe at its base, but can also impact the outer side of the pinky toe. They are called tailor’s bunions or bunionettes.
  • Women are more likely to develop these extensions than men. The main factor causing the phenomena is feet stress and pressure, as well as other medical conditions like arthritis etc.
  • Bunions can also be inherited as a result of a structural defect. Typically, they don’t require medical attention.
  • However, if you have foot pain, indelible big toe or movement problems, you should definitely see an orthopedist or a podiatrist.
  • Foot specialists argue whether narrow, tight or high-heeled shoes entice provoke bunions or whether footwear has anything to do with it at all.
  • By and large, they might be connected to some sort or arthritis, mostly to inflammatory sorts the likes of rheumatoid arthritis.


Although bunions don’t usually inflict pain or cause any troubles, they are permanent. The only way to remove them completely is surgery. Strangely enough, there is a variety of possible complications to the condition.

For example:

  • Hammertoe is anomalous bend that emerges in a middle joint of a toe, commonly the toe next to the big one
  • Bursitis is a painful irregularity that occurs when tendons, bursae (fluid-filled pads) and muscles close to your joints become sore
  • Metatarsalgia induces inflammation in the ball of the foot thus inflicting pain.

Even though surgery might be the most effective way to get rid of bunions, there are some things you can do to reduce the pain and other symptoms naturally when there’s no need of surgical procedure.

1. Changing Footwear Might Help You Treat Bunions Non-surgically

Wearing comfortable, roomy shoes provide plenty of space for the foot and toes and help relieve foot stress. In addition, you can use nonmedicated bunion pads.
Using padded shoe inserts, helps you distribute pressure while moving your feet levelly.This helps you decrease the symptoms of the condition and prevent the extension of the bunions.
Some people require prescription orthopedic devices, while others stick to over-the-counter arch supports to relieve pain.

2. Medications

In any case, you can lower foot stress and pressure by using medications like:

  • Aleve (naproxen sodium)
  • Motrin IB
  • Acetaminophen
  • Advil
  • Cortisone Injections etc.

3. Surgical Procedures

Surgery isn’t really recommended unless you encounter frequent pain and/or it interferes with your daily activities. Some procedures include certain techniques. Removing the aroused tissue around the big toe joint is one of them.

Another one includes realigning the big toe by removing a part of the bone. Also, you can revamp the long bone, between the big toe and the back part of your foot.

Furthermore, you can realign the irregular angle of the big toe joint, or permanently fuse the bones of the affected joint. No doubt that you will be able to walk after a surgical procedure in an instant.

Although, it could take several weeks, maybe even months until you fully recover. And, to avoid repetition of the condition, you’ll be required to wear comfortable shoes at all times.