Monday, 1 January 2018
Watch How To Use Garlic To Eliminate Vaginal Infections, Fungus and Bad Odors!
The vaginal infection originates from a fungus called Candida Albicans, which is in the intestines and genitals. When the levels of vaginal yeast grow excessively, infection occurs, which generates bad smell. Today we are going to show you, how to use garlic for vaginal infections, so that you can thus eliminate the fungus and bad smell of the vagina, quickly and definitively.
Why Does Garlic Eliminate Vaginal Fungi?
In many cultures, garlic is used for vaginal infections and other issues related to women’s health.
The reason for this is that this fabulous natural ingredient contains the most powerful anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties, which are completely responsible for solving any issue related to vaginal health.
By crushing a simple clove of garlic, a compound called alina is released, which binds to an enzyme called alliinase. The mixture of these two substances generates the most potent anti-bacterial agent: allicin.
In addition, garlic also contains highly potent ajoene, which fights all kinds of bacteria and hognos.
How to Use Garlic for Vaginal Infections and Bad Smell
You only have to crush a clove of garlic, so that the allicin originates, and apply the paste directly to the genital area.
Another effective way to use garlic for vaginal infections is to crush a few cloves of garlic, then wrap the paste in a sterile gauze. Then the gauze should be applied in the genital area loosely, or as a kind of tampon (always taking care to leave one part out, then remove it).
The garlic-based tampon is extremely effective. It should be applied for a maximum of 4 hours. If the treatment is followed for 3 consecutive days, the results will be surprising.
Garlic is one of the most powerful natural ingredients when it comes to treating vaginal infections. When applied in the genital area, it will be normal to generate a little ardor, or the appearance of a substance something milky. No need to worry, this is harmless.
Start now to use garlic for vaginal infections, and eliminate once and for all the bad smell.
Best of all, it is an extremely simple treatment, inexpensive, and natural, and totally effective for any woman.