Saturday, 23 September 2017
The Watermelon Can Be a Medicine. Read More on How to Use It That Way…
What a better way to enjoy a summer day, than with the refreshing watermelon? Without a doubt, there is nothing more refreshing than biting a juicy wedge of watermelon on a hot day.
However, it turns out that not only quenches your thirst, but watermelon offers a wide plethora of health benefits, too. For one thing, it alleviates muscle pain and soreness after workout due to its L-citrulline content, an amino acid that reduces fatigue and improves endurance for aerobic and anaerobic exercise. It is found in highest concentrations in watermelons, with 120 g- serving offering 150 mg of this acid.
One Japanese study studied the effect of citrulline supplementation on fatigue and performance during high-intensity exercise. With the aim of the study, mice were subjected to a swimming exercise protocol and had their exhaustion, glycogen content of the gastrocnemius and biceps femoris muscles, and blood levels of ammonia and lactate measured. It was found that citrulline supplementation notably increased the swimming time and endurance.
Watermelons are also an excellent source of vitamins A, B6, and C, which improve the functions of the kidneys and keep blood pressure levels in check. Despite its robust nutritional profile, watermelon contains almost no calories.
The watermelon seeds are highly beneficial as well and have been traditionally used to treat kidney stones. For that purpose, crush four seeds and boil them with two liters water. Drink the solution once it cools down.
Being mostly water, watermelon is ideal for cleansing and detoxifying the body. Amazingly, it works well when it comes to treating mental disorders, anxiety, and stress, due to the fact that it is packed with nutrients like nitric acid, manganese, malic acid, iodine, calcium, fiber, beta-carotene, and many more. These nutrients contribute to watermelon`s beneficial impact on health, so let`s explore more details of the benefits below:
1. Kidney Disorders
As already discussed, watermelon has been long used to treat kidney disorders like kidney stones. Its potassium content flushes out toxic matter in the kidneys, reduces the concentration of uric acid, and lowers the risk of formation of renal calculi. Being high in water, it promotes frequent urinating and detoxification of the kidneys.
2. Prevents Heat Stroke
Watermelon helps reduce both blood pressure and body temperature. Its high water content promotes a release of excess liquid, which in turn cools the body on a hot, summer day. People living in tropical regions eat this fruit on a regular basis to prevent a heat stroke.
3. High Blood Pressure
Potassium and magnesium in watermelons help lower blood pressure by releasing tension of arteries , stimulating blood flow, and reducing the stress put on the cardiovascular system.
4. Diabetes
Watermelons are good supplement for diabetics as they are low in calories and sugar, but packed with water. In addition, nutrients like magnesium and potassium promote proper functioning of the insulin, hence lowering blood sugar levels.
5. Prevents Cancer
Watermelons contain lycopene, a phytonutrient which is being associated with cancer prevention. Multiple studies have shown that it helps protect against prostate, lung, endometrial, breast, and colon cancer. As an added bonus, the powerful antioxidant potential of vitamin C also makes them an amazing anti-cancer fruit.
6. Impotence
Arginine, a compound in watermelon, has been found to boost libido, reduce frigidity, and treat erectile dysfunction.
7. Macular Degeneration
Being packed with nutrients like lutein, zeaxanthin, vitamin C, and beta-carotene, watermelon offers optimal eye protection. It protects against age-related degeneration, blindness, glaucoma, and drying up of eyes and optical nerves.
Other benefits: Watermelon also prevents and treats acne, anemia, asthma, skin conditions and burns, high cholesterol, atherosclerosis, headaches, arthritis, and more. The best thing about it is that it is highly versatile, and it can be enjoyed fresh, added to smoothies, and fruit juices, or combined in desserts.