Saturday, 7 October 2017


Apple cider vinegar is common in almost every kitchen, as it is a great addition to numerous meals. However, the folk medicine also uses it in order to treat numerous conditions. Even though studies have not confirmed all of these uses, experts have studied many of them and have provided evidence that this ingredient can provide amazing benefits.

For instance, a Japanese study included 175 obese people who followed similar diets. Only one part of these participants consumed apple cider vinegar while others didn’t.

Scientists found that those people who took apple cider vinegar lost more weight than the others. According to experts, apple cider vinegar activates some genes that are involved in the fat-burning process.

Moreover, scientists have proven that it is also effective in lowering blood sugar levels. Namely, Carol Johnston, Ph.D., the director of Arizona State University’s nutrition program, claims that apple cider vinegar prevents the starch digestion which elevated the blood sugar levels.

Most people purchase commercial apple cider vinegar from either grocery or health food stores, but did you know that it’s incredibly simple to make on your own? Here is a step-by-step guide on how to make apple cider vinegar from scratch.


  • The peels and cores of 6-8 apples
  • Two tablespoons of home made honey
  • Enough water so you can submerge ingredients


Place the apple cores and peels in a large glass jaror bowl. Fill the jar up with water so all of the cores and peels are fully submerged. Pour in the honey and stir until it is dissolved in the water. Place a paper towel over the jar or the bowl opening before sealing. Let the mixture sit for two weeks before you strain out the liquid. Throw away the residue left in the jar or the bowl and pour the liquid back into it. Let it sit like that for 4 more weeks, stirring daily and you will have your apple cider vinegar ready.