Wednesday 11 October 2017

Oncologists Accidental Discovery—The Juice That Kills Cancer In 48 Hours!

Recently, a group of Canadian scientists discovered that there’s a powerful herb that can kill cancer naturally and without side-effects in only 2 days! Wonderful news come from the University of Windsor, where scientists have been examining the effects of dandelion against cancer since 2009. The project started when one oncologist discovered a relation between dandelion root tea and lower risk of cancer.

Pamela Ovadje is a post-doctoral candidate at the University who discovered the benefits of the root. “One oncologist who worked with us, told us the incredible improvement in a patient’s daily drinking tea from dandelion root. We immediately started to investigate this tea to see how other patients react to it, but we were pretty skeptical. I thought that dandelion grows everywhere, and if at all there is something good in it, people would have long ago discovered,” she recalls.

“Since we started this project, we were able to get out of dandelion root extract and apply it to different types of human cancer in the laboratory. In the laboratory, we observed its effectiveness against leukemia cells, colon cancer and pancreatic cancer, and chronic myelomonocytic leukemia. We’ve found that dandelion root is very strong effect on them without damaging healthy cells. Moreover, studies have confirmed the efficacy in mice transplanted human cancer cells,” Ovadje says.

Dandelion root extract has been approved for human trials since 2015 and is in the first phase of research for treatment of lymphoma and leukemia. Dr. Sciarra Pandi, a biochemist at the University and one of the leaders on the research, considers the extract one of the most powerful natural remedies against the deadly disease.


The extract works by inducing apoptosis in the cancer cells. In simpler terms, it makes the cancer cells commit suicide without harming the healthy cells in any way. Although the research is still in the beginning stages, it has shown a lot of potential and may be the base for a future treatment.