Sunday, 24 September 2017

Marvelous Potato DIET: Lose 5 kg For 3 Days!

Potato diet has potato as the main ingredient in it, but also includes low fat yogurt. If you follow the instructions and the rules you can lose 3-5 kg in only 3 days. This diet can only be followed 3 days, and can be repeated 2 times consecutively.

What we need to look out for is the fact that this diet contains a varied diet so not suitable for everybody.

First day

Breakfast: One boiled potatoes without salt and a cup of yogurt
Lunch: Two boiled potatoes without salt and a cup of yogurt
Dinner: 2 cups yogurt

Second day

Breakfast: One cup of boiled potato and yoghurt
Lunch: Two boiled potatoes and a cup of yogurt
Dinner: One boiled potatoes without salt and a cup of yogurt

Third day

Breakfast: A boiled potato
Lunch: One boiled potato
Dinner: A cup of yogurt

100 gr of potato has 75 calories and it is less than a cup of orange juice. Yogurt controls the digestive system, removes excess water and toxins from the organism.